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Abstract: Global infrastructure platform, which uses shared modules, is demanding Terraform to provide a global cache solution for saving disk space and developers’ time, which directly translates to cost savings. Due to the absence of an out-of-the-box solution baked into Terraform, the custom global cache has been developed. It significantly saves time to perform TF init process and dramatically reduces TF cache size by making it shareable across all TF repositories and environments.


Abstract: AWS Developer Tools provide a strong foundation for building CI/CD solutions. This article shows how to add automatic creation/starting and deletion of pipelines on create branch/push and delete branch operations in a CodeCommit source repository. The source code for the solution is included. Introduction Releasing of SVN pipelines, described in my previous article, had a huge success. This inspired us to create a similar automation solution for projects, migrated from SVN to Git-based AWS CodeCommit repositories.